Featured article
Featured article
2 hours ago
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This is Sherry Belle and my story. Whatโs yours?
Sweet kisses to soothe the soul.
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This is Phoebe and my story. Whatโs yours?
A man's love of and for all dogs!
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This is Coby and my story. What's yours?
Although gone, his presence of love is with us always.
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This is Goku and my story. What's yours?
How things change when my step-dad brought home this dog...
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This is Bellโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Trixieโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
Dogs heal and love you as you are.
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This is Barkelyโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
What do you love most about your pets?
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This is Renzoโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Philipโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Chipโs and my story. Whatโs yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Abby and my story. What's yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Papi and my story. What's yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Oliver and my story. What's yours?
Share your love story of your pets.
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This is Bean and my story. What's yours?
Your Name: ย Kayla GowerDog's Name: ย Bernie (aka: Bean)Breed: ย English BulldogAge/Years of friends...
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This is Chibi and my story. What's yours?
Your Name: ย Lance MiyamotoDog's Name: ย ChibiBreed: ย Pembroke Welsh CorgiAge/Years of friendship: ...
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This is Georgie and my story. What's yours?
Your Name: ย Kayla GowerDog's Name: ย GeorgieBreed: ย English BulldogAge/Years of friendship: ย Almos...
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This is Guinness, Winston, Daisy and my story. What's yours?
How our dogs love multiple by 3!
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This is Toby and my story. What's yours?
How to fill up a dog's empty stomach with love!
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This is Puka and my story. What's yours?
Your Name:ย ย Christine HilbergDog's Name:ย ย PukaBreed:ย ย American Bulldog/Boxer mixAge/Years of frie...
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This is Pike and my story. What's yours?
Name:ย Cora de WithDog's Name:ย PikeBreed:ย dachshund jack Russel mixAge/Years of friendship:ย he...
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This is Wicked and my story. What's yours?
How a dog teaches patience, tolerance and compassion!
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This is Benji and my story. What's yours?
Your Name:ย ย HanakoDog's Name:ย ย BenjiBreed:ย Chorkie (chihuahua/yorkie)Age/Years of friendship:ย ย 3...
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This is Rhoda and my story. What's your story?
Name:ย CoraDogโs Name:ย RhodaBreed:ย ย Rottweiler DobermanAge/Years of friendship:ย ย 13 yearsWhere d...
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This is Bane and my story. What's yours?
Name: ย Judy Phan
Dog's name: ย Bane
Breed: ย Pug Mixย
Age: ย 4 years oldย
Where we got him:...
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This is Pixie, Chelsea and my story. What's yours?
Your Name: ย CarlaDog's Names: ย Pixie and ChelseaBreed: ย Portuguese Podengo SmallAge/Years of frie...
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This is Toby and my story. What's yours?
Your Name: ย Tim HsuDog's Name: ย Toby HsuBreed: ย Golden RetrieverAge/Years of friendship: ย 13 ye...
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This is Beau and my story. What's yours?
Name:ย JennDog's Name: ย BeauBreed:ย Shihtzu mixAge/Years of friendship:ย 8 yearsLocation:ย ย Canada...
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This is Bidu and my story. What's yours?
Name: ย CarlaDog's Name: ย BiduBreed: ย Mix breedAge/Years of friendship: ย 14 yearsWhere did you get...
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This is Boogie and my story. What's your story?
Your Name:ย Lili ChinDog's Name: ย BoogieBreed: ย Boston Terrier
Age: ย Boogie is 12 years old
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This is Siouxsie and my story. What's yours?
Name:ย Missy CarmichaelDog's Name:ย ย SiouxsieBreed:ย PekingeseAge/Years of friendship:ย ย 13 1/2 ye...
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This is Jayna, Bullet, and my story. What's yours?
Name:ย Teresa TangDog's Name:ย Jayna & BulletBreed:ย ย German Shepardย Age/Years of friendship:ย ...
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This is Maximus and my story. What's yours?
Name: ย Leanna Lin FongDog's Name: ย Maximus (aka Max or Maxy)Breed: ย Maltipoo - Poodle / MalteseA...
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This is Marlowe and my story. What's yours?
Name: ย Natalie AmayaDog's Name: ย MarloweBreed:ย chihuahua/papillon/terrier mixAge/Years of friend...
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This is Twinkle and my story. What's yours?
How a street dog found love!
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