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Happy Dog Days of Summer!! 🐶😊❤️


This is Pike and my story. What's yours?

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Name:  Cora de With
Dog's Name:  Pike
Breed:  dachshund jack Russel mix
Age/Years of friendship:  he is 11 years old,10 of which in our care.
Where did you get your dog from
:  my mom Anja Wever gave Pike to me on my birthday. I don't remember his previous owners name.
Location:  Heerenveen, Holland
Social Media Link:

Pike came to us in august 2007. He had just turned one in April. His owners seperated and his owner worked 2 jobs now and felt sad for Tyson (that was his name she gave him) that he was alone at home so much.

A month earlier we had lost our dog under very sad circumstances and I couldn't bare to be home alone without a pooch. And there came Tyson aka Pike. we had a great match with him and his owner and she trusted us to love Tyson with all of our hearts.)

But we didn't feel much for the name they gave him, Tyson..his shortened name would be Tys and in dutch that is like Thijs. A very common name. And since we enjoyed the movie Snatch so much, which featured gypsies aka travelers (pike was kinda a traveler,moving homes and all)  aka Pikey's, and Pike has the same ring to it as Tys,it became Pikey.
My husband and i had been struck with enormous grief because of the death of our previous dog and he said he would guard his heart more the next time. But I knew...
Pike is with us for almost 10 years now. We don't have children of our own and Pike...he's the baby.

He sleeps with us in bed, between us, and he almost has bald spots from all the kisses he gets haha. and yes, also from my husband. Pike has won him over completely. Yes, the grief when you lose a pet is awful but it doesn't match up against the joy of giving and receiving love from one and my husband has completely turned around again. And it gives him so much joy again 😊
Pike is where we are. He has his own seat at the dinner table, a spot on the couch and as said before, in bed. But at night he's a grumpy fella. A soft breeze of my toes touching his fur at night makes him gnarl lol. But he never, ever lashes out.
When we kiss, he needs a kiss. When we raise our voices at each other, mostly because of joking around, he raises his voice. When either of us feel sad, he's calm. And when we listen to music, he enjoys it from his own little bed next to the stereo. He loves Sunday afternoons when I listen to music, it makes him relaxed as well.
His short stubby legs still make me squeal (don't know if I'm saying this right, but i think you know what i mean),his cute puppy eyes wins us over every time, and when we go to bed and he lies between us we are still amazed how much love there is to feel between pet and human. It amazes us, every time.
Before Pike we raised a dog from pup to adulthood but sadly lost her at a very young age, and before that we also had an adopted dog.

Even a few years during Pike time so to say, we adopted a Labrador. He was already at an older age when we got him but he had some joyful years left in him to spend with us. We said goodbye to him 2 years ago.
We never want a pup again, unless its already a pup that's up for adoption. There are so many loving dogs who need a new home and so many people with love and a home to give. 

But for us its going to take a looooooooong time to adopt again cause I made a deal with Pike that he lives up to be 34 years old ;)
This is Pike and my story.  What’s yours?
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