Your Name: Janey H.
Dog's Name: Abby
Breed: Mi-Ki aka Maltese mix
Age/Years of friendship: 5.5 years
Where did you get your dog from: Abilene, Texas
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Social Media Link: and
I am so blessed to wake up every morning with my dog, Abby, in my bed. Sometimes, I wake to find only Abby, because my hubby is sleeping on the couch. I don’t even ask why anymore; it’s because Abby squeezed him off!
Abby came to me out of coincidence. I had a Persian cat (Blue) for 15 years. Blue became a family member shortly after my son (now 24) was diagnosed with asthma at 18 months. I was told “no pets”, but I had my own theory; expose early to the most allergenic pet. My hunch proved right. Neither my son or daughter are allergic to pets. But a hectic job change and Blue’s aging ailments took him from us at the Ge of 15. My daughter was in college, and my son was about to graduate high school, so getting a new pet was not a priority. Not until I met a very cat-like dog at an airport in North Carolina. I was there to drop off my daughter for a summer stock theater. This dog was extraordinary, and reminded me so much of my beloved Blue.
I asked the owner, and was told the dog was a Mi-Ki breed, what? She said she traveled and the dog was a great traveler and hypoallergenic.
So, I knew I wanted a dog with the same temperament as my cat, and would begin a mission to locate one.
Growing up, in a family with 9 siblings, we had many dogs. But I was never attached to any. I don’t know why, they were all outdoor dogs, country dogs, and maybe with so many mouths to feed, I never bonded. Then, when my children became active in so many activities, it wasn’t the right time for a dog, I knew a dog needed more attention than a cat. Or so I thought.
Fast forward to more than 5 years ago. I found someone who had Mi-Ki pups about 8 hours away. It was in September and my son had just started his freshman year of college. My hubby drove me, we went way out in the country in some way out place. There we found a house, many dogs and pups, I held one. Then put that one down. I saw a teeny one, cowered in the corner. I wanted to hold that one. But that one is the runt; she may not live. I think her name was Cracker. She didn’t want to leave me and I didn’t want to leave her. I said, I want this one.
So, we named her Abby, after the city where we found her, Abilene, Texas.
She was weighed in ounces at 3 months, and I was told she would reach only 3 pounds.
Abby has flourished. She’s become a daddy’s girl, and I take her almost everywhere I go. She has her own little voice, if she’s unaware of the surroundings. I talk to her and let her know where we are going and why; she sits down, calmly in her car seat.
My dog Abby is a family member. She has lowered my blood pressure from stroke level to not using medication. I had never considered owning a dog until I met the cat-like dog at the airport. I would encourage dog ownership to everyone; I was scared that I wouldn’t know how to take care of a dog, but Abby really keeps me on track and on a schedule.
I would love to have 1 or 2 more dogs, I think they need a playmate. Abby has become more like a human. She’s very attentive, if me or my hubby are physically hurting, she will stay by our side. She’s made such a difference in our lives. When my now adult children text me goodnight, they also say goodnight to Abby.
This is Abby’s and my story. What’s yours?
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