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Happy New Year!! 🐶❤️


This is Lunar and my story. What’s yours?

A Dog's Love Story of Lunar from Hound and Friends

Name:  Jas
Dog's Name:  Lunar
Breed:  Labrador Retriever
Age/Years of friendship:  13
Where did you get your dog from:  Gift
Location:  West Yorkshire, UK
Social Media Link:

This is Lunar's story with her family. As a family, we had been considering getting a furry friend for a while but no one seemed to have the time to keep one. As lockdown had hit due to the pandemic and I had just graduated, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to have a puppy. We had been searching for the perfect puppy for weeks and we thought we had found one, unfortunately not long after we realized it was a scam but we were still determined to find the one. Someone had returned Lunar back to the breeder and I had fallen in love with her from the first video call after the advert was posted. Not long after that, we brought Lunar home!

Since having Lunar, our lives have changed so much! With the lockdown making us feel lonely, she brought the biggest smiles to our faces! She's helped us to learn to be patient with training but is a very fast learner. Lunar's personality as the jumpy, bubbly and charismatic dog she is has let us make friends with other doggy owners and she loves to show off! She really is our best friend and makes us feel like really proud pawrents 💙

This is Lunar and my story. What’s yours?

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People have messaged us saying the stories have cheer them up during their challenging and sad times. May we spread more love and fun in the world like our dogs have done for us!

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