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Happy New Year!! 🐶❤️


This is Phoebe and my story. What’s yours?

A Dog's Unconditional Love Story of Phoebe | Hound and Friends

Name:  Jimmy
Dog's Name:  Jimmy
Breed:  Maltese Lhasa Apso 
Age/Years of friendship:  13
Where did you get your dog from:  Friend
Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Social Media Link:  Anonymous


I am a sucker for dogs. If I see them on the streets, if I encounter them at a friend's house, or any opportunity I get to hang with a dog, I will. Today, I want to highlight Phoebe, one of four dogs I have adopted. I am not exactly sure what breed she is but her personality totally reminds me of Phoebe, the character from the TV show "Friends." She is quite ditzy, dim-witted but very sweet and cuddly. Phoebe was knocked up by my cousin's dog, Paco at a family gathering and gave birth to Suzy and Jack. Suzy is in San Diego now with her loving family and Jack is with my parents. Phoebe reminds me every day to take life easy and not too serious. She's always happy regardless of the situation and has such a great attitude in life. I love having her around because she reminds me life doesn't have to be all serious all the time. It's amazing how much you can learn from your companion if you give it the time and day.

This is Phoebe and my story. What’s yours?

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People have messaged us saying the stories have cheer them up during their challenging and sad times. May we spread more love and fun in the world like our dogs have done for us!

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