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Happy New Year!! 🐶❤️


This is Boogie and my story. What's your story?

Your Name:  Lili Chin
Dog's Name:  Boogie
Breed:  Boston Terrier
Age:  Boogie is 12 years old
Where did you get your dog from:  Boston Buddies Rescue
Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Social Media Links:
Back in 2007, I was fostering boston terriers for Boston Buddies rescue.  Two of my fosters were seniors with serious medical issues and they passed away within months. Another foster was adopted within weeks. When I had to let these dogs go so soon (and it was hard!), I realized that I was ready to have my own forever friend. So I adopted Boogie and he has now been with me for 9 years.
I love Boogie so much. He is such a huge part of my life - as family, friend, teacher, muse, art model - that I can't simply sum up how much he means to me. Boogie is my first adopted dog, and I didn't know that having a dog could bring so much emotional drama, and also become a life-changing part of my work as an artist. In the first few months of living with Boogie, he was adorable. He was like the perfect dog. And then one day, he bit a person and I almost got kicked out of my home and asked to get rid of him.This traumatic event initiated me an ongoing education about dog behavior, and dog training methods to help Boogie cope with things that make him bite. I learned that there is so much misinformation out there about dogs. There is so much bullshit on TV and the internet about aggressive/reactive/sensitive dogs, as there is a lack of education on dog body language (what is my dog feeling/communicating?) and how to change our dogs' behaviors humanely, without resorting to aversive methods (like dominance, collar corrections, alpha rolls, etc)  
I truly feel that living and learning with Boogie - with all the ups and downs that we have been through - has opened my eyes and made me a kinder and more patient human being. He is the most patient and loyal friend I have ever had. Boogie may not be a perfect dog, but he is perfect for me.
There are people who say that rescue dogs are "damaged"  - who knows what happened to them before they ended up at a shelter or rescue? - and so there are people who would rather buy a puppy from a store than adopt a used or abused dog. Heck, many of us humans have also grown up with traumatic experiences and yet we have thrived and are able to accomplish amazing things in spite of our pasts. I feel the same way about rescue dogs and what they offer us. Would I adopt another rescue dog knowing that he or she has issues? Yes.
This is Boogie and my story. What's yours?
Share your story at

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People have messaged us saying the stories have cheer them up during their challenging and sad times. May we spread more love and fun in the world like our dogs have done for us!

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