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Happy New Year!! 🐶❤️


This is Paris and my story. What's yours?

Name:  Bárbara Yáñez
Dog's Name:  Paris
Breed:  Yorkshire terrier
Age/Years of friendship:  10 years
Where did you get your dog from:  Hayden's son
Location:  Santiago, Chile
Social Media:  www.instagram/haydenyparis

This story is about Paris, my 10 years old yorkie. Paris is a very clingy dog who still looks and acts like a puppy, people usually don’t believe he’s indeed 10. He’s Hayden’s son, my other yorkie but they couldn’t be more different. He came home when he was only 45 days old and it was love at first sight. Paris loves me unconditionally and I love him that way too, he completely trusts me and you can see that in his eyes. He’s the first one that comes to my mind when someone says “unconditional love”, if you ever want to experience what that is, you have to have a dog in your life. He means the world to me, my life is so much better since I have him, I wouldn’t change that for anything.  Having a dog means a strong commitment, it’s not easy, they are like kids, you have to love them, educate them, feed them, clean their mess, take them to the vet, take them out for walks even when it’s raining or you are tired, but what you get in return makes it all so worthy, I am really grateful to have had the chance to experience this kind of love, I never imagine you could love someone so much and that you can be so loved by an animal, so many times while I read a book or play with my phone I’ve caught him watching me without even blinking with so much love in his eyes, I just melt and I know that I will always need a dog in my life. As someone already said “he might be only part of your life but for him you are his whole life”. My dogs have made me more empathetic, my heart breaks every time I see a stray dog, it’s not that I didn’t care before it’s just that now you are more sensitive to other dogs, I know you don’t need certain breed to feel this kind of love, I know that when times come I will rescue a dog.


This is Paris and my story, what’s yours?

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People have messaged us saying the stories have cheer them up during their challenging and sad times. May we spread more love and fun in the world like our dogs have done for us!

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